Have fun reading in Megan's blog! :D
Welcome to my school blog! (:
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Today is all about grade 6!! Grade 6 was a really fun year. I learned so many different things that I wouldn't have learned in the school I went to. Me growing as a student is not important to me... I think the education I had here is the most important and it will probably help me a lot in the future.
I am most proud of my projects in Humanities that I did. Collaboratively or alone... I think I always succeeded in expectations.
My greatest challenges were to be able to keep my Dutch language the same, since in Holland I spoke Dutch at school everyday.
I learned that I am a learner who needs to have a physical lesson to learn better, and it's better for me to take notes about the lesson for me to learn more.
MARQ (Multiple Answer Reflection Questions) :
My behavior...
Could be improved
Satisfactory! <---- :D
IS PERFECT! The model student!
I think I'm satisfactory because I am NOT the model student... but I don't think I'm really bad.
There is NONE..
I actively participate in class <------ :D
I choose the last one because I participate in class questions and try to ask questions about things I don't understand.
My organization is...
Need of serious help!! :O
Satisfactory... <------- :D
I choose "Satisfactory" because I do always bring my homework on time and I do the assignments, but I don't go over expectations and I don't do more than is required.
My effort....
Needs help!! =O
Is satisfactory! <-- :)
I always do more than is required!! <-- :)
I always give all my effort in my work and I try to do my best. Only sometimes I do more than is required, so that's why I chose both.
Write Up Reflection Questions:
Based on my reflections, I will write two goals for next year in my new school.
My first goal for next year is to use everything I have learned here in my new school.
My second goal for next year is to behave better in class.. to make it easier for teachers..!!
I would like my new teachers to know that I am a learner who needs to have activities and information on boards for me to understand the concept better. I also like to take notes in a lesson so I can review it afterwards.
My favorite activity lesson was when we were presenting our Ancient Egypt songs to the class. We made a party out of the lesson! It was really fun... but at the same time we even learned a little more about what the different social structure levels were and what they did in the songs.
I wish we would have spent more time on the mesopotamia activity where we had to make the mobiles. My partner (Maria) was absent on the last day so I had to work on it the whole lunch... and I didn't manage to finish it the way we wanted it to be.
I give the advise to the new grade 6 to not worry about what is to come. Think about all the fun things you are going to do, and don't try to rush through the school year!
Thanks for reading my reflection,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My favorite book

My favorite book is from the 'Harry Potter' series that is about a boy called Harry Potter, and he has lots of adventures in his school for witchcraft and wizardry. The book is called 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' and is authored by J.K. Rowling.
This book made me think about all the good things and all the bad things that can happen in your life, even though this book is fantasy it really touched me to see that Harry's life wasn't that nice.
This book challenged me as a reader because these are quite hard books but it also helped me learn more words. This book also helped me to be a faster reader now that I can read these kind of books.
I wouldn't recommend you to read this book if you don't like fantasy books. This book is all about magic, and if you don't like that kind of thing you shouldn't read it. First I didn't really like fantasy books, but this series of books changed my mind about it.
This series of books is also made into movies, but personally I like the books better!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you will enjoy this book! (:
URL for book cover picture:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Lit circle 'the Giver' Reflection 2 (#3)
This blog post is going to be another one about the past literature circles we have done and also about the book ‘the Giver’. Today I am going to write my thoughts about this passage in the book:
" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn.
The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him.
"There could be love" Jonas whispered.
The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away"
I think this is a passage where Jonas is thinking about freedom and what there COULD be in his ‘utopia’ (perfect) community. He has experienced memories that have made him feel warm and good inside, but also bad ones that he hated. One memory was of a family that was sitting together at Christmas. He felt the loving and caring feelings for each other between the family members and that made him feel like he has missed something all along. His family unit parents told him afterwards that ‘love’ was a useless word and told him to correct his language use. I think he also discovered that he felt love for Fiona in his ‘stirring dreams’, which made him stop the pill. He wanted the feeling of love because it made him feel warm and cared for, and in his family unit he couldn’t find or get it.
This passage is important because I think this made him feel that he wasn’t loved in his family unit or community, even though his family unit parents told him they enjoyed him company and they were proud of his goals and achievements. My reason for this is because from the book I recognized the nice memories in my own family and I can not imagine not having that. The stirring dreams also supported the feeling of love, and I think that's why the community even ban those dreams because they want sameness. However, I think the 'sameness' is horrible. There are no feelings or disagreements. They think it's unsafe for people to chose something themselves. They can't even see colours! I really don't think this is Utopia! Utopia is supposed to be a perfect place, but for me, this world is better than that world.
Thanks for reading my blog ;]
The Giver blog post 1 Reflection.
Hi everyone! This blog post I am going to reflect on two other blog posts. As you know, these past days I have done many literature circles on the book ‘the Giver’. My past blog post was reflecting on my lit. Circles. I am reflecting on Samuel and Owen’s blog post.
First paragraph- some sentences has lots of commas, and some are structured wrongly but for the rest your grammar is good. Your paragraph explains a lot but at the end you talk about pie. It is a good example but it doesn’t have much to do with the story or with you. For the rest it’s a good introduction.
Second paragraph – This paragraph is really good. You give details about the story that you think is a connection to your thoughts. My opinion to this is completely different, but I think you made a good argument.
Third paragraph – You explain well what your thoughts are about this. I understand the way you are thinking and you changing your mind about it. The contribution between you and the story is well explained. There are no grammar mistakes. I think this paragraph is the best because it has a good ending of your thoughts and wishes. Good job on your blog post!
First paragraph – Good introduction and summary of the story. I think it’s detailed enough for me to understand but maybe you can make your thoughts a little more detailed.
Second paragraph – This paragraph is very short. Maybe you can add some more thoughts and details since there are not very much. I also think you can revise your paragraph because there are some grammar or punctuation mistakes but for the rest it’s fine.
Third paragraph – There are some grammar and punctuation mistakes in this paragraph but not to many. You have lots of thoughts but again: add some more details. For the rest this paragraph is good but maybe you can add some more sentences to finish the paragraph nicer. Reading this blog I could recognize that Owen wrote it, just because of his way of thinking and writing. Good job!
I hope when Owen or Samuel or both of them read this blog it will help them next time! I think they both did a good job. There were only a few mistakes but for the rest the blog posts were fine. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it and this will even help you to write better and revise your writing.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The Giver ~ Journal Responce
Sunday, February 13, 2011
4 iMovie Reflections!! :]
Enjoy my blog! (:
Here is the link of the reflection on my own iMovie that Laura and I did by filling in the rubric on the google doc.
Thanks for reading my blog!~ (:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
iMovie Reflection!!!
We had a good introduction about Tutankhamun that included when his started ruling and when he was born. We also had good information about his contribution to Ancient Egypt during his reign. Our iMovie clearly explains Tutankhamun's architectual connection and the religion he developed. The images we used were of good quality and showed what we were talking about throughout the video. I think our voices are clear and loud and we gave our information with appropriate language. There is no backround noice that disturbs our voice-over and you can hear that we have practiced a lot.
One thing that really worked out for Laura and I is that we are good friends and the agreeing over information to put in, to cut out, the pictures and our ideas really worked out for us. But one down side about us being friends is that nearly every minute we would laugh about something for no reason (basically, me). But the main reason I really liked this project is that we had fun doing it and there were no worries at all! Wait, that's not true. We had lots of fun! But there were some worries about the time and not finishing it. But in the end it all worked out of course. ;)
My peer reflection is about the iMovie of Yu Ern and Tem. I chose this one because Yu Ern was the only one who posted there iMovie on there blog! I think they had a quite good introduction, but I didn't really understand the first part. They filmed real life but there was lots of backround noise so I couldn't hear there voices very well. For the rest the introduction was good, all the information was in it.
The information in the rest of the video is also good, but the information doesn't really flow. What I mean with that is that they first tell us about when he started ruling, but then shortly after it's about his death. Then it goes on with his reign and so on. There are also no transitions between the pictures, so that makes it less interesting to watch. Sometimes there is some backround noise, but it doesn't always distract from listening to the voices.
Part of the assignment is to put the iMovie on our blog but I haven't got it on my computer so I'm going to add it later....