Cave painting of shapes and handprints. The painting was found in a cave in Argentina, South America. This painting has animals that look like gazelles, witch are panicking about some dangerous animal. There are also yellow type of bugs, and it seems like the gazelles are running them over. There are also bigger and smaller handprints, and different kind of shapes such as: zigzag lines, and circles. We have learned from this artifact that the early humans probably had special rituals, witch involve this type of drawing on the cave walls. And also, scientists think that these places in the cave were used for special gatherings, because where the painting is, the voice is the loudest. The handprints were very small, so the prehistoric people were probably much smaller then we are now. And some scientists think that the artists signed there painting by putting a handprint there.

Here is a picture of the cave painting of hanprints and shapes:
Clay Sculptures. These clay sculptures were found in a low room deep inside a cave in France. These two clay sculptures are of bison, one of them looks injured, because it is lying down, and the other looks like it's just leaning on some rocks. It looks like there is water behind the bison, and it looks like the injured bison is reaching to it. Some scientists think that this meant that the cave belonged to a certain clan, or that these were used in special ceremonies, to show a child has grown up. So we learned that there were probably special ceremonies for reasons such as the children have grown up (because there were small footprints found close by the sculptures.)

Here is a picture of the clay sculptures:
Cave painting of animals. This painting is painted on a leveled wall, and it looks like some horses are running over a ledge. There is also a unfinished animal on the wall, and it looks like a other animal is running away, while jumping over the herd. Some animals look older then others, because it seems like the paint is peeling of. This painting shows that probably this is something that happened, or these paintings were also used for ceremonies. It also could of been that the artists believed in spirits, and they made this art to honor them.
With all this information about the prehistoric people, we can learn a lot about the past! I hope we find lots more interesting artifacts that the early humans made.
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