Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Giver blog post 1 Reflection.

Hi everyone! This blog post I am going to reflect on two other blog posts. As you know, these past days I have done many literature circles on the book ‘the Giver’. My past blog post was reflecting on my lit. Circles. I am reflecting on Samuel and Owen’s blog post.


First paragraph- some sentences has lots of commas, and some are structured wrongly but for the rest your grammar is good. Your paragraph explains a lot but at the end you talk about pie. It is a good example but it doesn’t have much to do with the story or with you. For the rest it’s a good introduction.

Second paragraph – This paragraph is really good. You give details about the story that you think is a connection to your thoughts. My opinion to this is completely different, but I think you made a good argument.

Third paragraph – You explain well what your thoughts are about this. I understand the way you are thinking and you changing your mind about it. The contribution between you and the story is well explained. There are no grammar mistakes. I think this paragraph is the best because it has a good ending of your thoughts and wishes. Good job on your blog post!


First paragraph – Good introduction and summary of the story. I think it’s detailed enough for me to understand but maybe you can make your thoughts a little more detailed.

Second paragraph – This paragraph is very short. Maybe you can add some more thoughts and details since there are not very much. I also think you can revise your paragraph because there are some grammar or punctuation mistakes but for the rest it’s fine.

Third paragraph – There are some grammar and punctuation mistakes in this paragraph but not to many. You have lots of thoughts but again: add some more details. For the rest this paragraph is good but maybe you can add some more sentences to finish the paragraph nicer. Reading this blog I could recognize that Owen wrote it, just because of his way of thinking and writing. Good job!

I hope when Owen or Samuel or both of them read this blog it will help them next time! I think they both did a good job. There were only a few mistakes but for the rest the blog posts were fine. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it and this will even help you to write better and revise your writing.


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